Short Info
Cacao ceremony with Marlene
Duration approx. 3-4 hours
Don't eat anything for 3-4 hours prior
Set an intention
Journey to the heart for inner clarity, harmony, balance and love
Experience soulful moments
Singing circle, sharing, sound journey, meditation, exercises, depending the topic
Come in comfortable clothing
Bring water to drink & pillow to sit
Registration required
A gift to yourself
Time to look inside yourself..
From the journey into the existence of the heart.
For inner clarity, harmony and an open heart...this evening will bring you back to your balance and center.
Cocoa is a spiritual medicine and teaching plant that has been drunk for thousands of years for its healing power.
A cacao ceremony is a journey to your inner being. It opens the door to your emotional body and works gently with your heart and supports the conscious connection to yourself. If you open yourself to this, you can accept fears or old behavior patterns with love and work on them.

Together we drink the traditional Cacao and gently dive deep into our hearts. The evening is accompanied by music, mantras, movement and quiet moments, as well as loving and honest insights into the world of others. Everything is possible, nothing is neccesary.
It's best to come in comfortable clothing and a filled bottle of water.
We will go on a harmonizing journey together for around 4 hours, which will allow us to gain new strength and bring inner clarity.
In order for the stomach to fully absorb the nutrients in the Cacao, it is important to either fast during the day or follow a vegan diet and not eat any more meals at least 3-4 hours beforehand. Only a little water can be drunk.
This preparation is intended, among other things, to give you time to think about your intentions for coming. What inner question you have. Or what you want to let go of.
There is only a limited number of participants, so if you are interested, I ask you to write to me as soon as possible so that you can send me a deposit for confirmation or clarify any further questions.
We put a lot of love and energy into preparing for a wonderful evening. Energy compensation will be communicated upon request.
The evening is led by all participants and Marlene.
I look forward to hearing from you.​
über mich
Marlene is a multitalented Space Alchemist, hat mal eine Frau auf ihrer Retreat Website geschrieben und ich finde das passt so gut. Ich bin eine Nomadin, die ihre Musik und Heilkunst auf der ganzen Welt teilt, am liebsten in Kreisen sitzt und sich auf ehrlicher Herzensebene mit Menschen austauscht. ​ Seit nun 5 Jahren leite ich Kakao Zeremonien und begleite Menschen in ihren Prozessen der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Seelen-Coaching (Hypnose), Stimmöffnung und K. Was meine Räume so besonders macht, ist, dass sich die Zeit voll auflöst und ich absolut präsent für dich bin. Aufgrund meiner eigene Geschichte, kann ich dich da, wo du stehst und gehst, wahrhaftig spüren und sehen. Wir begegnen uns ganz ehrlich. Es entsteht Sicherheit, Geborgenheit und eine liebevolle Verbindung von Herz zu Herz. Ich habe viel zu geben und halte dich gerne auf dieser Reise durch Raum, Klang und Cacao. Lausche gerne mal in meinen ganz freshly released Single auf bandcamp rein (siehe Hauptseite), dann kannst du mich schon mal kennenlernen.